Drug Sense uk - helping organisations to tackle drug abuse

Educating Staff, Pupils and Parents About the Dangers of Drugs and Recognising the Features of Drug Abuse

drug free school sign

Why choose Drug Sense UK?

Our Consultants are highly trained and experienced in 'Drug Awareness' seminars. Recruited from professionals backgrounds such as the Police (ex Drug Squad/Drug Liaison Officers), offering a highly 'impactive seminar'. They bring a wealth of experience in dealing with 'Drug Misuse' (including packaging/paranaphalia/dealing habits/physical recognition features of drug abuse and searching techniques). Our Consultants have a wealth of experience in 'dealing with Drug Users/Dealers and are familiar with all current 'Street Drugs' in circulation.

We offer a range of 'Courses and Seminars' aimed at Teaching Staff/Pupils and Parent Evenings. Both Courses and Seminars revolve around a 'power point presentation' which is very visually graphic. This is supported by a wide range of illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia on display. As a registered provider of Drugs Education we also endorse and support the current Government thrust on the 'Ask Frank Campaign', providing literature and other materials in addition to our own comprehensive handouts on 'drug recognition features'.

All courses follow the Home Office guidelines and provide a valuable accreditation to teaching staff. Certificates are awarded on completion of course(s) subject to reaching required pass mark (applies to Level Two Course) .

View details of our level one and level two courses.


We will raise the 'Drug Awareness' throughout your School/College by arming your 'staff' with the skills they will need in order to recognise Drugs/Drug Paraphernalia and packaging.

We will also discuss 'typical dealing patterns' and 'signs and symptoms' of drug abuse. We will educate the pupils/students on 'illegal drugs', the effects and long term health issues. We will also discuss the range of 'offences linked with Possession and Supply of Controlled Drugs' as well as give help and advice on how to overcome a 'drug misuse' problem. Educating the 'parents' is a very important role.. you can take the lead by initiating parent evenings'. You will be acting as a 'Role Model' to other Schools/Colleges and will show how determined you are to tackle 'Drug Misuse'.

By involving the parents you are building a very effective 'partnership' which can detect the 'early signs of Drug Abuse' amongst 'pupils/students' and therefore address the problem before it gets out of hand. Our expert Consultants at Drug Sense UK will help and guide you all they can.

Working together we can make a difference.

Like all providers in this very important training area, we constantly review and develop our our services in order to provide our customers 'with the very best training and advice'. Please click on our 'feedback' link to view some of the recent comments our customers have made about the quality and level of training Drug Sense UK has recently delivered.