Drug Sense UK - helping organisations to tackle drug abuse


Why Choose Drug Sense UK?

Our Consultants are highly trained and experienced in 'Drug Awareness' recruited from professional backgrounds such as the Police (ex Drug Squad/Drug Liaison Officers), offering highly 'impactive seminars'.

They bring a wealth of experience in dealing with 'Drug Misuse' (including packaging/paranaphalia/dealing habits/physical recognition features of drug abuse and searching techniques). Drug Sense UK can help and advise you on how best to tackle 'Drug Abuse' in your work place.

image of drug addict

Drug Abuse is unfortunately part of society, and your Business could be suffering because of it (ie absenteeism, dishonesty, impaired productivity, risk of serious injury etc) as well as exposing not only the user to 'Criminal charges' but yourself as an 'employer'.

Legal Obligations

Do you have a responsibility to tackle Drug Abuse within your workplace and raise Awareness - the answer is 'YES'

You have a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at 'work' of your employee's. You also have a duty under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, to assess the risks to the health and safety of your employee's. If you knowingly allow an employee under the influence of 'drugs' to continue working and his or her behaviour places the employee or others at 'risk' - you could be liable to prosecution. Your employees are also required to take reasonable care of themselves and other who are affected by what they do at work''.

Protecting Your Workers

injecting heroin

Please take a moment to read this true account

"I worked for a 'large hotel chain' as a cleaner. Whilst I was cleaning one of the rooms I found a used 'hypodermic needle' , and it was clear from the 'blood' inside of it, that it had been used. Whilst retrieving the 'needle' I pricked my finger. I asked my supervisor how to dispose of it.. she said throw it in the bin outside. I put a plaster on my finger and thought no more of it. 2 years later I was diagnosed with 'Hepatitis C', which resulted from the 'handling' of the needle. I subsequently successfully sued my employer."

This is just one of many examples in which 'you as an employer' could have been liable. How could you have overcome this problem -

Firstly by ensuring all your staff including managers, supervisors receive the proper training and advice - that's down to us at 'Drug Sense UK'. Our expert Consultants will guide you through the process from developing a ' Drug Policy' to a series of Seminars raising Drug Awareness in your workplace. Please view our level 1 and level two courses. Together we can work towards achieving a safe drug free working environment.