Drug Sense UK - helping organisations to tackle drug abuse

Terms and Conditions

Training Courses (level 2 courses only) can be provisionally booked online using this form.

Clients will be notified via e-mail (if e-mail address supplied/or telephone) of booking confirmation, and will be sent out a confirmation slip which must be fully checked, signed and dated and then returned with appropriate Course fees no later than 6 weeks prior to commencement of course. Invoices will be sent with booking confirmation.


All Course fees are payable in advance, cheques (payable to Dave Parvin Drug Sense UK) must be sent with confirmation slip to arrive back at Drug Sense UK no later than 6 weeks prior to commencement of the Course you are attending. Drug Sense UK reserve the right to refuse attendance on the course until payment has been received. Fees quoted are correct at the time of publication, however we reserve the right to alter fees at any time. Any changes in fees will not affect clients who have already confirmed and paid for courses, prior to the changes taking affect. All fees quoted are exclusive of VAT which must be paid in addition to quoted fee at invoice date.

Late Payments

Payments must be received no later than 6 weeks prior to commencement date of Course. Late fees could result in you being removed from course.


The cost of refreshments and Lunch is included in the Course Fees (No Buffet provided on Level 1 Courses)

Course Literature

Course Notes/Handouts are available for both Courses. (Level 1/Level 2)


Where an exam forms part of the course agenda (ie Level 2 Course), no refund of fees can be given in the event of the candidate failing to reach the required pass mark. However re-sits will take place offering every opportunity for Candidates to pass the exam. Please note if a Candidate becomes ill during the course and is unable to complete the exam at the end of the course, no refunds can be given.


Drug Sense UK reserve the right to cancel or alter course dates, and venues. In the event of any such Course cancellations delegates will be normally offered the next available course, unless the client specifically requests otherwise in which a full refund will be returned. If a booking is cancelled or transferred to another course by the client the following fees will apply :

Notice Given % Fee refunded
More than 28 days 100 %
14-28 Days 50 %
0-14 Days Nil

'Notice Given dates' relates to days prior to the Course date you have booked.

In addition Drug Sense UK reserves the right to charge £25 administrative charge fee for each cancellation/transfer.
Any costs incurred on cancellations involving accommodation is the delegate's responsibility.
Cancellations can be accepted via e-mail, but must be confirmed in writing within 7 days.

Click here to make a provisional booking.

** Please note Level One Courses are allocated on demand - dates, venues and fees to be arranged and agreed with client, who are normally invoiced (28 day return) after completion of course. Please contact us for further details. **